
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

YearBook 2020

Hi Bloggers!

This week we made yearbooks about how the year has gone and what fun we have had in this very bad year. This is from the start to the end of the year. We had to rhyme the things we did and it was quite difficult to do and get everything rhyming. This was quite boring to do but it had to be done. 
Here it is:

My yearbook is not the best I tried to rhyme it but its quite hard. This was good for us to do especesspecialy for the year 8's to reflect on what the have done in the year before heading off to High School.  Hope you Enjoyed!


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Haka, Maori Tattoos, and Korowai

 Hi Bloggers! 

This week we have been looking at the history of Haka, Korowai and Ta Moko. We had to write how things changed from past to future. The haka used to be performed for wars or celebrating not dying. Ta Moko has not really changed it has kept the same because of culture and the Maori designs have not really changed. Korowai is made from materials that when put together look like feathers. But in the old way it was made was with cloth made from the bark of aute (paper mulberry).

Here is a slide:

In this slide, you will find our Haka, Korowai and Ta Moko slide that tells you about how they are used to be and how it is now. Hope you enjoy and learn some stuff about the haka. 


Friday, October 23, 2020

Making of the Super Story

Hey Bloggers! 

This week we have been getting more in-depth into making our stories. We have been writing about how the introduction of the story and the action that will happen during the story. We are also writing about how the story will end and change. Here is my Plot: 

As you can see we had to fill in every box here about how our story is going to work. Mine is about Superheros Vs Villains and The Great Dinosaur Museum. It is about villains trying to steal very real dinosaur bones from the museum and the superheroes have to try and stop them.  
Hope you enjoy! 



Friday, October 16, 2020

My Super Story

Hey Bloggers!!

This week is the first for the new term. This week we have been making a picture book for the little kids to read. My story is about superheroes and villains battling over the ancient dinosaur museum full of totally real dinosaur bones. We also had to characterise our characters. Here is my Characterisation: 

This is how my characters are going to talk, think and look. This will be fun to make and I hope I can do it. I'm also not good at drawing so it's going to be a bit tricky for me to do. 
Leave a comment!
Hope you enjoy!


Thursday, September 24, 2020

NZSL Week - My Name

Hey Bloggers!

This week is National Sign Language Week so to celebrate we are saying our names in sign language. My name is Jack so it was pretty easy for me to do my name in sign language because it's so short. We also had to record ourselves doing it so I recorded mine and I messed up on the K because I keep forgetting how it goes. Here is my video:  


This was fun to do. We also got to play a sign language game called Sign Ninja where you have to get through rooms by solving puzzles in sign language. this was the best part because it was learning in cooperated with games.

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Instant Ice - Science Experiment

Hi Bloggers!

The last few weeks we have been working on our own experiment. My experiment was about ice and how water freezes on contact. This experiment is called instant ice, it's an experiment that shows how water freezes on contact. My friend and I made this experiment in Minecraft showing it. we also added signs that talks about it and how it works. 
Here are a few pictures of my experiment:

This experiment is awesome but sadly ours did not work I even tried with some salt in the water but that did not seem to change how it froze. For us, this experiment was a failure and didn't work even with added salt. 

Hope you enjoy this experiment.
Leave a Comment!


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Minecraft ISS Module

Hello Bloggers!

This week we have been learning about the ISS or (International Space Station). We made a module for the ISS in Minecraft. My Module is a science one where you can combine different chemicals and space chemicals to see the results. My module also has a decontamination room and also a docking port for space shuttles. the contamination is for people entering and exiting through the space shuttle port. It is so you don't leave with any bugs or chemicals or enter with any.
Here are some Pictures:


The pictures are me in the different rooms of my module including the Science Mixing Lab, The Decontamination area and the Space Shuttle Dock. This was fun to make and use Minecraft. Leave a comment if you liked this idea. 
What would you add to the ISS?


Friday, September 4, 2020

Instant Ice - Experiment

Hey Bloggers!

This week we have been working on our own science experiment. I am doing it with a partner and his name is Tristan, we are doing Instant Ice with different liquids to see if the effect is different. this experiment will be really fun to do.
How to make it:
First, put a plastic bottle that has never been opened in the freezer for 2 1/2 hours.
Next, get some ice in a bowl or tray.
Then get your water out of the freezer and pour it on the ice.
You got Instant Ice!

Here is a slide showing all of our work on instant ice. there are some videos and an article on one of the slides that you can watch. There are also other things you can do with the freezing water like drop a piece of ice in it and watch all the water turn into ice right before your eyes.

Leave a comment if you like this experiment!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Python PSA-Coding Activity

Hey Bloggers!

The past couple of days we have been making a PSA (Public Service Announcement) showing a problem happening around the world or just like picking up rubbish. This was fun to make and code. I created a Rubbish PSA with telling Kids to pick up their litter and put it in the bin. Here is the code I did for it:

This was the PSA I made about Littering. Sadly I can't link it or embed it because the company is based in the USA and its illegal to blog anything so there is no link or embed for it. Hopefully, you like this. Leave a Comment about what you liked. 


Friday, August 28, 2020

Paper Plane-Flight Results

Hey Bloggers!

This week we have been doing flight for our science. It was very fun because we were flying paper planes and seeing and far they would go. This is the results of the 6 planes we did, each with a different aspect upgraded.

We did different sizes using different sized paper. This sizes we used were a4, a5, a3 and even a2 which is really big and didn't fly well either. The best plane was the new a4 paper plane that we made which managed to get 32m after 4 flight and the average was 22.5m which is really good. 

Leave a comment if you found this interesting.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Samoan Virtual Classroom

Talofa Bloggers!

Since the start of the year, we have been learning Samoan. This is my virtual Classroom where I have put all my learning for you to also learn from. if u hover over items in my classroom, a hyperlink will pop up for you to click on.
In my classroom you will learn about:

  • Samoa as a Country 
  • Link to a Traditional dance video 
  • Basic Greetings 
  • The alphabet 
  •  How to Count 1 - 10
  • Information about Siapo art
I hope you enjoy my classroom and I would really like to know what you enjoyed the most.


Friday, July 24, 2020

The Creator of Nukes

Hey Bloggers!

This week we have been looking into scientists that created major thing like bombs, chemicals and galaxies. I chose to look into this scientist called Ernest Rutherford he is the Father of Nukes and he has mapped the atom which did lead to bombs being made. Here is my poster of this scientist:

This poster shows some of the achievements that Ernest Rutherford has done, like mapping the Atom and shooting one out of a gun. This scientist was the most interesting to me because explosions are awesome but not in war and real life. Hope you guys like this. Bye. :)

Friday, June 26, 2020

Pixel Art - Air Pollution

Hey Bloggers!

For the past few weeks, we have been making art to show a global issue. I have made a pixel art for air pollution showing how bad our air is getting. I've made a factory with smoke coming out of it and also a car that has smoke coming out of it. I hope you enjoy my pixel art about air pollution. Can you tell that I'm showing air pollution? Bye. :)

Matariki animation

Hey Bloggers!

For a few days, we have been working on stories or animations on Matariki. My friend and I have been working on a story animation on google slides it is made with to stickmen, one the child and then other is the dad. The dad is telling his son about Matariki and how one of the sons ripped out their eyes and threw them in the sky to create Matariki. How you enjoy me and my friends slide about Matariki. Bye. :)

Friday, June 12, 2020

Updated Website! - Characters

Hi Bloggers!

This week we have been updating our website and adding a bit more facts to it. We have added everything about the characters in the book. The first thing we had to do is research a quote from that character that appeared in the book it was quite easy to find quotes because all you had to search up is the characters name and add quotes after it and boom there was a lot of quotes from the character. Here is the link to the characters page:

This is what it looks like I made a separate page for each character so it is easy for you to navigate between them. This took a while to write about all the main characters in the book. Hope you enjoy reading through them. Bye. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Situational Irony - Kid in Book

Hey Bloggers!

Today we had to make a type of irony either Verbal, Dramatic or Situational irony, my friend I chose Situational irony because we thought it would be quite easy and fun to do. It was fun to make. It is about a person in a book and the reader doesn't seem to care about a face that appears in the book. Here is our Irony:

This is the Public enemy number two it is the name of the book and so I thought it would be cool if I made the person in the book the public enemy number two. This is what I came up for situational Irony. Hope you have enjoyed looking at my Irony leave a comment if you have read this book because I sure haven't. Bye. :)

Friday, June 5, 2020

Amazing Website

Hey Bloggers!

This week we have been making a website about the book we have been reading mine is pretty good it's not done yet because we just started this week. It will most likely be done by the end of the term so keep checking on my website to see the improvement. My website is about the Themes, Symbols, Genres and Characters. The one that I have written is the theme Absurdity and some Absurd things that happen in the book.

To find the information for what was absurd and what wasn't we had to re-read some of the book and look for some absurd things that happened. Like when some party balloons flew out of the ship and some people falling out and dying. Hope you like my website. Bye. :)
Link to the website My Website

My decent Koru :)

Hey Bloggers! 

 For the last few weeks, we have been making koru art and even our own necklace. 

We also made a video about what our koru is and what it represents to us. 

We had to show our progression on making our koru from paper to playdoh to clay. 

Here is my video of my Koru:

My video isn't the best but it's alright. I liked making the clay design because it looks really cool and it's fun to play with the same with the playdoh they're both really fun. Hope you liked my video on my koru art and design. Bye. :)

Friday, May 29, 2020

Maths questions :)

Hey Bloggers!

This week we have been doing some maths questions that were a bit challenging and confusing at times. My favourite question was the 3rd one we did which was about how 2 people had cough medicine and it was to see who could finish the bottle first.

And of course they both finish at the same time which is 6 days because the girl takes 5ml per 6 hours and the parent takes 10ml per 3 hours but the girl has 90ml bottle and the parent has a 300ml. They took it between 7am and 7pm. I found out after doing the working out for 3 days and doubled it and that's how I got the answer.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Literacy=Space Maths= Get your work done with a computer

Hey Bloggers!

For literacy, we had to do some research about space and how objects travel through space also how sound travels in space. Objects travel through space the same as they do on earth because they have to obey the rules of gravity. All objects have to fall down so it's the same in space they fall down.

For Maths we learnt how to get the computer to do our maths for us by using this website called Kaggle. How the website works is quite cool, you put your equation in and push control and enter and under your equation it will say the answer. Leave a comment if you used this website and figured out a problem. here is the link to website: Kaggle 

Cool Flowing Art- 90 second Art

Hey Bloggers!

While in lockdown we had to make some cool looking art on our computers. This was very fun and easy to do. We had to make quite a lot of them because they were not hard to make. This was a task we had for our Friday tasks. I picked this task because it seemed the easiest and the coolest to make.

To make the art we went to a website called Color push its a website where you can make art with different colours and effects it is very fun to play around with. Here is the link to the website if you want to try it for yourself: Color Push.

This is one of the many 90 second arts that I made. It looks really cool and was really easy to make on the website this is one of the best websites I've seen that lets people that aren't too good at art do crazy cool things that artists could do. Leave a comment if you used this website to make a cool design. 
See you guys in the next post. Bye. :)  

Friday, May 1, 2020

Baking a Pizzaaaa

Hey Bloggers!

Today I made a pizza for my tech at home task it was kind of easy and fun. I decided to make my favourite pizza flavour which is meat lovers. I used the recipe from a previous cooking tech lesson because I knew that it was a good recipe for pizza.

First off I made the base by mixing flour, baking powder, salt, oil and water in a bowl to create the dough. Then I rolled out the dough to fit in the pizza dish, the rolling is kinda hard because the dough could rip while your rolling so you have to be careful. Next, I applied the pizza sauce onto the dough. After that, I put all the ingredients that I wanted onto the pizza, then I added the cheese on top. Finally, I put the pizza in the oven to cook and added BBQ sauce to make it taste nice. Bye. :)

Here is Recipe for pizza:

Friday, April 24, 2020

Emoji Sayings

Hi Bloggers!

Today we had to make some emoji sayings a couple of them are people. Can you guess them all right?
This was fun to make and figure out will be too! Hope you enjoy and have fun figuring these out. Bye. :)

🐱 👩=

🦇 👨 =

🎵 ➡️ 👂👂 = 

🖌️ 🌆 🔴 =

Friday, April 17, 2020

Talking Dog (Wait What!?)

Hi Bloggers!

Today we had to scratch presentation about a talking animal. I did a space dog drinking a potion that he was not supposed too. So its a story about a space dog and a spaceman and the dog suddenly talks and the human freaks out and tries to change him back. Watch to find out if he does. Hope you guys enjoy. Bye. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Movie theme Boss Baby

Hi bloggers!

Today we make a boss baby poster and some writing about it. The movie is so funny and awesome at the same time you can see it on Netflix. I think you should go watch but here is a little writing and a poster about the movie. Hope you enjoy. Bye. :)

Units of Measurement

Hi Bloggers!

Today we had to make some measurements for our maths work. It turned out quite good I think so hope you learn some measurements and calculating the differences between bigger and lower measurements. So hope you like my measurements. Bye. :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Properties of Shapes

Hi Bloggers!

Today in lockdown for school we had to do some Shape work.
We had to get different shaped objects from around our house and figure out the faces, vertices and the edges of the shape then we had to arrange them in order of difficulty. I think all the shapes were in the right spot, what do you think?  Bye. :)

Monday, March 23, 2020

My Haiku about school

Hey Bloggers!

Today we made haiku poems about school and how we think about it. I think school is boring at times and just want to come and get school over and done with. here is my haiku poem about school. Hope you enjoy this haiku poem about my school and I will be posting another one. Bye. :)

Learning and some games
I wish we could game at school 

That would be quite fun

Monday, March 16, 2020

My climbing poem

Hi bloggers!

Today we made some poems about a journey and a path mine was about climbing beanstalks with giant friends which was actually pretty easy to make a poem about. We had to make the sentences six words only so that was the hard part about it. Here is my poem hope you enjoy. Hope you liked the poem and enjoyed reading it. Bye. :)

Giants are quite good at climbing 
I practised climbing for this moment 
I was with my friend George 
Climbing so fast I was flying 
To explore what was up there
Great fun but time went fast

Friday, March 13, 2020

My Epic Pepeha

Hi Bloggers!

Today we made a pepeha about ourselves and we got to make it on scratch which is epic. Mine turned out good and it wasn't that hard to code which is also great. I couldn't be bothered making a boring slideshow about my pepeha instead I made a scratch to present it. hope you learn some more about my family and enjoy watching it. Enjoy Bye. :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Counting between 1 to 10 in Samoan in scratch

Hi guys!

Today we made a scratch about counting to 10 in Samoan it was fun and easy to make. To use this type a number between 1 and 10 to see it in Samoan. Hope you learn more about Samoan numbers. The person who says the numbers in Samoan is space dog ask him a number between 1 and 10 and hell say it in Samoan. Hope you guys enjoy and learn some more about Samoan. have you ever learned about Samoa before?

Friday, March 6, 2020

Essay Writing (Draft mode)

Hi bloggers!

We have been making Essay writing drafts and this is how mine turned out. Mine is alright for my first essay. We had to do out essays about waste of food and what we could so do stop or reduce it. here is my essay, comment if you think it good and you could try and help reduce the waste.


Hope you liked it sorry for the bad quality picture it was hard to get the whole lot in it. Hope you enjoyed reading this and learned more about waste and you can try and reduce wasting food. Bye. :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Epic Samoan Numbers

Hey Bloggers!

Today we made a biteable about Samoan numbers. It is a not to bad of a video so hope you enjoy this biteable video and learn a bit more about Samoan numbers.

Samoan Numbers on Biteable

Hope you learned more about Samoan numbers and you enjoyed this biteable video. Bye. :)

My Picture In Binary

Hi Bloggers!

Today we did a picture and had to code it in binary which is awesome. Let's see if anyone can code it and find out what the picture is.
Here is the code:

1.  0000000000
2. 0000000000
3. 0000110000
4. 0001001000
5. 1110000111
6. 0010110100
7. 0010000100
8. 0001001000
9. 0000110000
10. 0000010000
11. 0000100000
12. 0000010000
13. 0000100000
14. 0000010000

Good Luck. Bye :)

Friday, February 28, 2020

Cadbury purple locker- poster

Hi Bloggers!

Today we made a poster about a foundation in New Zealand, my buddy and I decided to Cadbury purple locker. So here is the poster about the foundation and how to contact them.


So this is my poster about the Cadbury purple locker, it was hard for me to make the text stand out on the background so that was my best choices. Hope you like and consider looking more into this or even donate your kit. Bye. :)

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Poetry- William Carlos William

Hi bloggers!

Today we made a poem inspired by William Carlos William and we changed it up a bit. I put it has a slide so here it is.

Mine is the one on the left and the poet's one is on the right.
As you can probably tell how we sorta copied him.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Community Learning

Hi bloggers!

Today we did some learning about community places that can help you if you need anything. This slide we made has a lot of information on these community places. Hope you learn some stuff about these places.

Hope you learned something bye, guys. :)

Friday, February 21, 2020

My Family Tree

Hi guys!

This week we did some digging and going back to our ancestors to find out where they came from.  So I found out that really there isn't really anything special about where I'm from except I have a lot of auntie's and uncle's on my mum's side. So here is the picture of my family tree.

So as you can see my mum has a lot more brothers and sisters than my dad's side. Hope you learned about me. see you next post. :)

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Okay Portrait

Hey guys!

Hope you guys had a great summer holiday, but now we're back to school for another year.
This week we had to do some portrait art about ourselves, mine isn't that good but it's alright for a person who does not really draw. Here it is...


So as you can see it's not the best but its something. This artwork shows some things I like. It shows my computer, Xbox controller, my pets, trampoline, chocolate and soccer. Oh and I forgot to add in where I'm from but anyways I'm from New Zealand, nowhere crazy just New Zealand. This artwork is based on Romero Britto's artwork, you should look at his their way better than mine.  

See you next post. :)

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Writing about waste


Waste is basically trash and useless and you usually see it all over the place. Waste is also another word for rubbish and not useful. I will be talking a bit about waste.  

Every year we dump a massive 2.12 billion tons of waste which is a crazy amount and we need to lower that. New Zealanders currently generate about 734kg of waste each per year. That amount has increased by around 20 percent over the past three years. Did you know that we throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food every year?  Most waste is usually plastic wrappers or chip packets or even mouldy fruit. The amount of waste generated by the UK could fill Britain’s largest lake, Lake Windermere, in just 8 months.  

In conclusion waste is rubbish and if you find it, don’t forget to throw it in the bin. Also, try and reduce wasting things.