
Friday, April 5, 2019

Survivor Toroa Day 4

On Thursday we did math baseball it was a game where there was two houses that played at a time one team bats and the other team fields. 4 people from one team will sit in the 4 seats and the other team bats, so to start one of the bating team goes to the first base and the fielder and the batter get asked a math question so say they are asked 5x5 if the the fielder got it right it would be strike one for the batter and if the fielder gets it wrong the batter get to move to the next base if the batter gets it they just get to move to the next base and the batters get 2 answers. and its the most team to get the most home runs win and if you get three people out you swap over and do the other role in the game.

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