
Monday, September 23, 2019

Persuasive Writing for term 3

For term 3 we have been learning about adverts and persuasive writing. I chose the topic of "Toroa should be able to wear caps" because I thought it was the most interesting for me I did write quite a lot about why Toroa should be able to wear caps hope you enjoy reading it. Sorry it is a screen shot because the writing would go off the blog so hope this is fine.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Vocabulary for week 9

Hi guys i'm back with another create this one is some more vocab. Hope you enjoy my vocab and tell me in the comments if you learnt something new.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Shark Facts week 8 Create

Hi guys i'm back with another Create here this one is about shark facts. If their is a fact about sharks you didn't know about comment and say what one did you not know. That's all from me. bye. :)

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Vocab for Week 7 Create task

Hi bloggers i'm back again with another create for this week. This time it's vocabulary, here is a picture of my vocabulary I have done.

My division Work

Hi guys here is my work on division, i chose to do this one because the other ones were a bit hard for my liked so here is a picture of my maths task.